Business Intelligence

Converting Business Intelligence to Collision Intelligence

We have identified three areas of Collision Intelligence interest: 1) Administration 2) Finance and 3) Production

Every morning as you walk into your facility you are met with a tsunami of information, usually (if you are like me) all you have available to fend off the advancing wave is a 3/4 empty coffee cup. You'll definitely fill your cup, but as the wave passes and dissipates you know there is a lot of valuable information that you did not capture and you have an uneasy feeling in your stomach that maybe you missed something important.

This scenario is not a unique to collision repairers, most types of businesses experience it, but it is compounded by the fact that in most collision repairs there are 3 party's involved, yourself, the vehicle owner, and the insurer. In an earlier article we concluded there appears to be a need for Business Intelligence within our industry but how we convert a fairly complex technology into usable "Collision Intelligence" that provides real value to shop operations needs to be determined.

Here at AutoHouse, we believe we should start with your most pressing concern. What is going on today and are we potentially off the rails? If so, can I resolve the problems we've identified before they have a negative impact on my business?

We've identified 3 areas of interest:
 1) Administration - ensure the proper information is captured during the administrative process and flag exceptions for resolution.
 2) Finance - report where there may be potential profit leaks and identify potential areas to improve cash flow.
 3) Production - take a snap shot of production and the incoming and outgoing pipeline so you can prioritize and adjust as necessary.

We think there is potential value to be delivered through Collision Intelligence but in the end our clients will decide. We welcome your comments, critical feedback and general thoughts on the subject.

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